Ecological Szamba

Ecological Szamba

Ecological Szamba przeznaczone są do odprowadzania i oczyszczania ścieków z domowych urządzeń kanalizacyjnych. Oferowane przez nas szamba plastikowe wykonane są z żywic poliestrowych i zbrojone włóknem szklanym (tzw. laminaty szklane). Dzięki temu zachowują pełną szczelność i są postrzegane jako przyjazne dla środowiska.


Home Wastewater Treatment Plant 2000l 2-4people
Home Sewage Treatment Plant (tank without kit) 2000 liters is suitable for 2 to 4 people, with the Polish standard EN 12566-1:2000/A1:2003, made of PEHD polyethylene in blue, green or black, is intended for wastewater treatment From residential buildings or several farms and allows them to be put in a purified state into the ground. 
Home Wastewater Treatment Plant 2000l 2-4people (set)
Home Wastewater Treatment Plant (< sTrong >Set) 2000 liters is suitable for 2 to 4 persons, with the Polish standard EN 12566-1:2000/A1:2003, made of PEHD polyethylene in blue, green or black, is intended for the treatment of wastewater from residential buildings or several farms and allows them to be put in a purified state into the ground. 
Home Wastewater Treatment Plant 3000L 6-8persons
Home Sewage Treatment Plant (tank without kit) 3000 liters is suitable for 6 to 8 people, with the Polish standard EN 12566-1:2000/A1:2003, made of PEHD polyethylene in blue, green or black, is designed for wastewater treatment From residential buildings or several farms and allows them to be put in a purified state into the ground. 
Home Wastewater Treatment Plant 3000l 6-8persons (set)
Home Wastewater Treatment Plant (< sTrong >Set) 2000 liters is suitable for 2 to 4 persons, with the Polish standard EN 12566-1:2000/A1:2003, made of PEHD polyethylene in blue, green or black, is intended for the treatment of wastewater from residential buildings or several farms and allows them to be put in a purified state into the ground.