Pressure pipes PE HD 80 PN 10 SDR 13.6 for water mains.

PN 10 SDR 13.6

Wide selection of PE HD 80 pressure pipes PN 10 SDR 13.6 different dimensions < SpaN > do montażu instalacji wodociągowej, odprowadzających wodę pitną. W skład wchodzą rury w zakresie średnic od fi 25mm do fi 75mm w kolorze niebieskim i od fi 90mm do fi 400mm w kolorze czarnym z niebieskimi paskami. 

Active filters

PE Pipe HD 80 DN 125x9, 2mm
Pressure pipe PN 10 SDR 13.6 with a diameter of fi 125mm, with a wall of 9, 2mm with a length of 12MB, with the Polish standard PN-EN 13244-2, made of polyethylene (PE HD) in black with blue stripes, is intended for the transmission of treated drinking water and sewage Social and cultural activities. Pipes made of the highest quality plastics can be combined with a wide range of pressure fittings