Zmiany klimatyczne a systemy odwodnienia: Jak zbiorniki przeciwdeszczowe przeciwdziałają skutkom ekstremalnych opadów?

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Corrugated pipe XXL with PE SN 8 DN 1200x6000mm
Corrugated pipe (structural) XXL with internal diameter fi 1200mm with a length of 6 meters, with Polish standard PN-EN 13476-3, made of polyethylene (PE), heavy type SN 8, in black, it is designed for the construction of sanitary and general sewage. Pipes made of the highest quality plastic with a cup and gasket consist of two sturdy layers in this single corrugated.
PE Culvert Pipe SN8 DN 300x6000mm
Corrugated pipe (structural) XXL with an inner diameter of fi 300mm with a length of 6 meters, with the Polish standard PN-EN 13476-3, made of polyethylene (PE), heavy type SN 8, in black, is designed for the construction of sanitary and general sewage. Pipes made of the highest quality plastic with a cup and gasket consist of two sturdy layers in this single corrugated.
PE Culvert Pipe SN8 DN 400x6000mm
Corrugated pipe (structural) XXL with an inner diameter of fi 400mm with a length of 6 meters, with the Polish standard PN-EN 13476-3, made of polyethylene (PE), heavy type SN 8, in black, is designed for the construction of sanitary and general sewage. Pipes made of the highest quality plastic with a cup and gasket consist of two sturdy layers in this single corrugated.